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SEEQUEL, created by Project Wonder and Strange Electronic, is the next evolution of SEEQ. For this piece I arranged the music into a continuous timeline and build the interactive system in Ableton Live with the aid of Max For Live. I also created the lighting design in Touch Designer and designed the LED control system for the buttons.

Seequel has 7 songs that flow seamlessly one into the next for a total of approx. 20 min, then it loops back to the beginning for a continuous experience. The buttons will play a specific collection of sounds for each song, with a total of approx. 300 sounds. The sound were made to be in key with their specific song, but in addition to that the button presses are quantized in timing. This made the playing experience sort of "on rails" and anyone could play along with the music regardless of their musical experience.

The lighting design was created in Touch Designer, which I programmed to receive information from the Live session using OSC. I use this method of lighting programming because I can write parameters of the lighting design in Ableton Live using the automation lanes. It keeps the visual aspect of the piece in harmony with the structure of the music.

Seequel has 64 buttons with 12v LED strips. I designed a system to control the lights and receive the button switch state in a 19" rack using ethernet jacks on custom build panels. Each button has an ethernet cable that carries the data of its LED strip as well as its switch. Due to the dual purpose of this cable, it required a routing system that would break out the leads of an ethernet jack to different destinations. The LEDs connected to DMX decoders and the switch went to other ethernet jack which connected to a MIDI controller. 

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